There are already numerous publications that associate stress and anxiety with an increase in the risk of suffering diseases. For example, u a person who is stressed out has a higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke, than a person not subjected to this situation. Behavioral health is one of the pillars of Antiaging Preventive Medicine.
A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health
At Neolife, we treat stress and endogenous anxiety (caused by hormonal imbalances) and advise patients through behavioral health programs aimed at individuals who:
· Suffer hormonal changes, whether physiological (the natural onset of menopause in women and andropause in men) or artificially provoked by surgical or pharmacological treatments, which may alter natural hormone production (gynecological or urological surgeries, cancer treatments, immunosuppressants, etc.).s…).
Are subjected to high levels of stress: work, family, etc.
Find it hard to manage their anxiety levels in their everyday life.
Stress has entered our lives, and it is here to stay. The current pace of life means that most of us find ourselves subjected to high levels of stress.
Historically, the relationship between stress and disease is something that has always been intuited, both by the scientific community and the general population. We are at the point where science is finally discovering how stress is related to disease and accelerated aging.
“In the United States, there are already clinics that employ hormone replacement therapy as part of an organic, cosmetic, and also psychological treatment.”
Psychoneuroimmunology is a relatively new discipline that investigates these relationships between the central nervous system, our hormone levels, cytokines (signaling proteins in our body), and disease and aging. For example, a very common skin disease like psoriasis has an autoimmune basis and everyone who suffers this knows that it worsens in times of emotional stress; in fact, these patients have higher rates of depression and other psychiatric conditions and higher cortisol levels.
Moreover, telomere length (telomeres are the ends of our chromosomes and contain our genetic information; they shorten with each cell division) appears to be largely to blame for this link between stress, disease and aging. Individuals with higher stress levels have shorter telomere lengths and lower telomerase activity (which is also affected by higher cortisol levels). Shorter telomeres have been associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and overall mortality.
Disciplines like meditation and mindfulness have been scientifically proven (in major studies on large populations) to reduce stress, among several other benefits, and with it, the symptoms associated with autoimmune, rheumatic, and other stress-related diseases.
The different hormonal axes control the general functioning of the entire body. Alterations in these axes constitute a stress factor at both the organic and emotional level, and may affect not only physical health, but also psychological health. In turn, intense or sustained stress is capable of altering these hormonal axes in a reciprocal manner. The hormonal and emotional spheres function as bidirectional gears.
We must understand that the more or less abrupt hormonal drop that occurs in both menopause and andropause is a stress factor that should not be underestimated. The body, both women’s and men’s, must now adapt to functioning with much lower levels of these hormones, which have important effects, not only in the reproductive sphere, but also in the neurological, cardiovascular, bone, and even skin areas. We may say that this hormonal decline can be seen on the outside and on the inside. Due to the great impact that the hormonal axis has on the rest of the body, one of the key aspects of our treatments at Neolife is always to restore our patients’ hormonal balance.
“In the United States, there are already clinics that employ hormone replacement therapy as part of an organic, cosmetic, and also psychological treatment.”.
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