
Around 75-80% of cancers are due to external factors that each individual can alter in order to decrease their chances of developing cancer.

Onco-prevention offers healthy people personalised advice on the possible risks of suffering from a number of different types of cancer. On the other hand, for people who have been through a cancer treatment, the so-called long-term survivors, we also provide advice on how to reduce the risk of developing new cancers.

Neolife medical management

Recently Neolife has made a new Onco-prevention service available to our clients, with the aim of preventing cancer among all our clients.

During the Onco-prevention consultation, after an extensive range of questions, a thorough exploration of the issues raised and a review of all the prescribed onco-prevention biomarkers, we then provide personalised information about the risks of suffering from certain types of cancers to the patient.

What does Neolife offer?

  • We provide personalised consultations to healthy people or people who have overcome any type of cancer on the chances of developing cancers in the future.
  • We analyse the specific risks associated to the individual in relation to certain types of cancer.
  • We ensure the individual is aware of the risks and provide accurate and concrete information.
  • We issue recommendations and advice that allow the patient to modify certain risk habits (behaviour) or eliminate certain carcinogens on a day-to-day basis.
  • We advise the patient on how to modify said habits or reduce / eliminate the risk factors identified.
  • We provide on-going monitoring of the development of the risks in the medium-long term.
  • We aim to alleviate your concerns relating to cancer, early diagnosis, sources of information based on scientific evidence, screening tests and genetic counselling. We also provide reports based on reliable sources of information in relation to cancer prevention techniques.
  • Before attending the onco-prevention consultation, different diagnostic tests as part of cancer screening are carried out: onco-prevention analysis, sept9, faecal occult blood, Helicobacter pylori breath test, etc.
  • Once the diagnosis has been completed, additional personalised tests may be prescribed for each patient (genetic tests, imaging tests, complementary blood tests etc.).
  • In addition, we advise surviving patients about the risks of future cancers and we complete assessments in order to provide advice about the chronic sequelae (chronic consequences) related to the treatments.

Onco-prevention, at the Neolife clinic

For who is Onco-prevention indicated?

For healthy people we offer personalised advice on the possible risks of suffering from a number of different types of cancer. As a result of the in-depth interview we are able to identify the risks posed to the individual concerned and we provide specific recommendations as part of each assessment, depending on the individual risks identified.

With the application of these recommendations, which range from changing behavioural habits to advice regarding the specific tests to be taken, the healthy person will be able to reduce their chances of suffering from certain types of cancer in the future. In addition, we aim to alleviate your concerns relating to cancer, early diagnosis, signs and symptoms of concern and sources of information based on scientific evidence.

For people who have been through a cancer treatment, the so-called long-term survivors, we also provide advice on how to reduce the risk of developing new cancers. We also monitor and advise on chronic sequelae (chronic consequences) caused by the treatments administered (deformities, mutilations, functional problems, etc.), difficulties returning to work and social reintegration, sexual dysfunction and psychological disorders.

How is the advice given?

To be able to provide such personalised and comprehensive advice we conduct an extensive questionnaire to facilitate us during our consultation. This questionnaire does include a section on your family tree. Once we have completed the questionnaire, we carry out a detailed physical examination and conduct an interview that helps us to fully understand the risks. The interview is personal and individual to the patient and we provide them with all the necessary information to assist them and all answers are kept in the strictest confidence. At the same time we also make ourselves available to the concerned party should they have any questions relating to on-going counselling or cancer. Subsequently, we produce a report containing the preventive recommendations. The whole process is handled as part of a single consultation, without the need to travel back and forth to numerous appointments. This consultation lasts approximately between 60 and 90 minutes.

We guarantee the confidentiality of all the data obtained. No recommendations or advice will be given on risks that have not been presented during the interview.

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