Can you really create a healthy and balanced diet?

Many of the best researchers worldwide wager that nutritional supplementation remains the only way to achieve a truly balanced diet.

Most people have certain biomarkers related to their diet, which often means that biomarker levels are not always sufficient, despite the fact that the individual believes they are following a healthy diet. Vitamin D, homocysteine ​​and the Omega 6 / Omega 3 ratio are rarely maintained at what we might consider to be their optimum levels, unless the individual administers proper nutritional supplementation.

Tania Mesa – Nutritionist and Nurse from Neolife

We often hear that nutritional supplementation is not necessary if the diet we follow is healthy and balanced but can we be certain that our diet is healthy and balanced?

diet supplements

Recently, Dr. José Viña presented a magnificent lecture with the title “Ageing at a cellular and organic level: ageing is normal“, as part of a series of lectures on ageing and longevity organized by the Centre for the Study of Ageing and the Ramón Areces Foundation.

– Are you eating your 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day? – If not, you probably need additional nutritional supplementation

Dr. Viña is one of the great Spanish researchers specializing in the ageing process and how we can alter our attitudes now to delay the ageing process and maintain quality of life into our later life. At the end of the lecture, an assistant (nutritionist) rebuked a comment made by Dr. Viña advising the assistant to consume more vitamins and minerals. Dr. Viña answered the rebuke with another question – Are you eating your 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day? -.

As part of our Preventive Anti-ageing Medicine Programs at Neolife we measure the plasma levels of many micronutrients and other biomarkers associated with the appropriate consumption of the same in the diet. At present we are surprised when a patient presents with a normal level of 25-OH Colecalciferol (Vitamin D) as almost all of our patients present with low levels of vitamin D. Similarly, the homocysteine ​​values ​​are almost constantly high whilst the Omega 6 / Omega 3 ratio is barely sufficient.

A vitamin D deficiency can be produced by a lack of exposure to the sun, but also it can be caused by a nutritional deficiency; elevated levels of homocysteine may be the result of genetics but also could be caused by a nutritional deficiency (B vitamin and folic acid); and the elevated Omega 6 / Omega 3 ratio indicates a predominance of omega 6 (pro-inflammatory) over omega 3 (anti-inflammatory) in our diet. All of these circumstances can be resolved by supplementing our diet with the right micronutrients.

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