The following conditions regulate the access and use of the website NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., owner of the web, including the contents and services made available for the User on it. Any person accessing this website accepts to agree to the General Conditions that are in force in each time the site is visited. Therefore reading it is recommended.
NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., with registered address Calle Velázquez no 94. 28006 in Madrid and with Tax ID number B-86640398, is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume 30689, page 45, section 8, sheet M-552218.
Some sections of this website are ruled by Particular Conditions which, in the event of any conflict, will prevail over the General Conditions. The User likewise accepts, each time he uses the relevant Content or Service, the applicable Particular Conditions.
In any case, NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L. reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website, as well as the current General Conditions or the corresponding Particular Conditions.
Unless otherwise is specified in the Particular Conditions of certain sections, the use of this website will be free of charge, except for the cost related to the connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider contracted by the User.
The use of the content and access to the website will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User. Likewise, the User undertakes not to act in any way that may damage the image, interests or rights of NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L. or that may impede, in any way, the normal use of this Site.
NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L. does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements capable of damaging or altering the User´s IT system, in the electronic documents or files on this website. Therefore, NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., is not responsible for any damages that these elements may cause the user or third parties.
The information that appears on the website about Age Management Medicine, as advice, news, questions and answers, etc. is information for guidance, provided in a generic manner, that aims to be as complete as possible and which cannot be considered under any circumstance a diagnosis or a personalised consultation.
LINKS TO THE SITE: The User and, in general, any natural or legal person who wants to establish hyperlinks or linked technical device from his website to this website must obtain previous authorisation from NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L. In any case NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L, reserves the right to prohibit or cancel any hyperlink to this website at any time.
NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., makes links that enable access to the User to access sites or Internet sites belonging to NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., or managed by third parties, which does not imply in any case the existence of relationships between NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., and the owner of the linked website. NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., does not audit or control, in any case the contents and services of the linked sites or that link to this website so will not be responsible in any case for these links or for the damages that they may ocurr as a consequence of the unlawfulness, unavailability, errors in or uselessness of content and/or services of the linked sites.
The copy, reproduction, transmission, distribution or publication of the contents of this website are prohibited without the express prior consent of NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L. . Reproduction and provisional storage of the contents of the website is permitted only to such an extent as can be shown to be absolutely necessary for the use and display of the website on a personal computer.
We inform you that we may also obtain anonymous information regarding end-users’ visited screens, the length of time spent on the website and registered downloads for statistical purposes only which allow improvements in the services provided and basic administrative tasks to be carried out. However, no other kind of data about browsing is gathered and cookies are not installed on the user’s device either.
Any reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, public disposal, extraction, extraction, reusing, resending or in any way using by any means or procedure of the Contents is strictly forbidden, except when it is lawful to do so or authorisation has been provided by the holder of the relevant rights.
The User may access to the Contents exclusively for his personal and private use, provided that the intended purpose is not to carry out any commercial or professional activity. Brands, commercial names and distinctive trademarks are the property of NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., and accessing this website can in no way be understood as conferring any rights on the mentioned brands, commercial names and distinctive trademarks.
NEOLIFE MEDICAL, S.L., discloses that all the information provided by the users of this website is treated as entirely confidential. All processing of personal data that takes place as a consequence of the services rendered and at your disposal on the website or through an e-mail message will be performed according to the principles regulated by the Organic Law 15/1999 on December 13th of Personal Data Protection (LOPD-Spanish abbreviation), and its related laws.
The user may exercise his rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose, by contacting the headquarters who is responsible for the file located at Calle Velázquez no. 94, 28006, Madrid.
The request must include the interested person’s name and surname, a copy of his ID card and, in those cases where it is necessary, of the representative, as well as the document certifying representation, specific petition of the request, address for notification purposes, date and signature of the applicant and the supporting documents of the formulated petition. If the request does not fulfil the specified requirements, a rectification must be made. Regarding the right to access, it will only be denied when the request is made by a person different from the affected. No compensation will be required for exercising your rights.
These General Conditions of access and use of the website are subject to the Spanish Laws and jurisdiction.