Every area of knowledge, even the most cutting-edge, tends to be structured in an orderly manner. In this regard, based on the goals set during the checkup, we will carry out a Personalized, Preventive, Proactive, and Predictive comprehensive approach, based on the cornerstones of Age Management Medicine.
At Neolife, each program is individually designed, based on each individual’s needs, the results of the checkups, and the follow-up controls, always seeking excellence in each treatment, with our experts, coordinating in all areas, to optimize the results.
It is believed that an individual begins his or her “programmed senescence” stage, or the aging process, at the age of 35. Therefore, it is starting at this age, that an Antiaging Preventive Medicine program should be started.
The sooner we take the first step towards taking care of ourselves, the more time we will have to recover from the aging process.
Our programs are aimed at:
People, committed to health prevention, know that the best strategy is to delay or prevent the onset of age-related diseases:
Moreover, these individuals are not satisfied with “standard” prevention, but wish to carry out preventive actions, which are more innovative than those provided by current medicine, as well as to stay up-to-date on the latest medical-scientific advances provided by Neolife.
People who value their physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health, their personal well-being, vitality and quality of life, as they begin to suffer from any of the following symptoms as a result of aging:
Just as we take out a pension plan to ensure our financial security during our retirement, shouldn’t we invest in something that is even more important than our finances: our future health and well-being?
The objective of our Neolife programs is to prolong our optimal state of well-being, to the maximum, and avoid having to “repair” our health in the future. The goal is to evolve from the paradigm of “curative” medicine to “preventive” medicine.
In our programs, we focus on the altered or suboptimal biomarkers, and devise a plan that aims to position them at optimal levels. Patients who successfully complete Neolife programs see continuous improvements in all the health goals that they set for themselves.
Neolife’s programs provide:
More than just the traditional checkup, which is a ‘snapshot’ of your current state.
At Neolife, we go further and focus on the Health Continuum. We need to assess our health continuously, measuring altered values, and acting on them through corrective measures.
More than just a medical report on the performed checkup, which only offers generic health recommendations.
The key is to implement a continuous personalized treatment, based on the cornerstones of Age Management Medicine.
To prevent diseases and improve our quality of life, we must optimize a series of specific prevention panels, which are composed of numerous health biomarkers.
For example, in the case of the cardiovascular panel, we must check the levels of HDL, LDL and VLDL cholesterol, triglycerides, omega-3 fatty acids, visceral fat, blood pressure, arterial stiffness and elasticity, resting electrocardiogram, calcium score, carotid ultrasound, stress test, etc.
The absence of physical activity has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the factors most associated with increased mortality.
There are already numerous publications that link stress to an increase in the probability of suffering illnesses, in the same way that being surrounded by toxins in our lives, has a negative effect on our body.
Today’s society is characterized by excessive consumption of unhealthy foods, while at the same time, there is a deficit of healthy foods. Nutritional prevention is fundamental to avoiding numerous diseases, which silently rob us of years of our lives, problems like being overweight, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc.
With a varied and balanced diet, we should naturally obtain the amount of nutrients that our body needs. However, this ideal situation is not always the case in reality. We live in a society of abundance, and yet more and more people are suffering from nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamins and minerals.
It has been scientifically proven that melatonin production decreases over time, being 40% lower after the age of 55. This lack of melatonin produces harmful effects in the body, like the alteration of circadian rhythms or oxidative stress, as well as slow and irreversible damage to the cellular mitochondria, as their protective capacity is reduced.
Decades of research and clinical practice have shown that metabolic and hormonal balance is essential for maintaining good health, decreasing the risk of age-related diseases, improving physical, sexual and mental capacities, boosting the immune system and, in general, improving metabolism. All this results in an increase in the quality of life.
In Age Management Medicine, the patient’s health is addressed in a comprehensive manner. Although the main focus is on primary prevention (before the disease appears), many people have concurrent diseases or risk factors, usually unknown to them. We act at these two levels, which are in fact two moments in the natural time sequence of the disease.
In Antiaging Preventive Medicine, it is not enough to just take a “snapshot” of our state of health at a specific moment. Our biomarkers evolve over time, and there are countless situations that may alter them: aging, changes in lifestyle habits, stressful situations, etc. Therefore, we must continuously monitor the evolution of our body, in order to act on these alterations.
Neolife programs, through the prescription of individualized treatments, based on the above cornerstones, optimize the health of our patients.
Below, we graphically present some of the numerous health problems they suffer from, when they first turn to Neolife, and the percentage that we have objectively managed to improve, thanks to our programs.
Minimum duration of 3 months
No commitment to permanence
Minimum duration of 3 months
Duration: 6 nutritional consultations
No commitment to permanence
Duración: Período mínimo de 3 meses
¿A quién va dirigido?
A todos los clientes de Neolife que quieran realizar nuestro Programa de Age Management Medicine de forma óptima y que, además:
¿Qué incluye el programa?
Duración: Período mínimo de 3 meses
¿A quién va dirigido?
A todos los clientes de Neolife que quieran realizar nuestro Programa de Age Management Medicine de forma óptima y que, además:
¿Qué incluye el programa?
Duración: Período mínimo de 3 meses
¿A quién va dirigido?
Este plan es el idóneo para aquellas personas que quieran realizar un correcto seguimiento de su programa de Age Management Medicine y que tengan el siguiente perfil:
¿Qué incluye el programa?
Sin compromiso de permanencia
¿A quién va dirigido?
Este plan es el idóneo para aquellas personas que quieran realizar un seguimiento de su programa de Age Management Medicine sin cuotas de seguimiento ni compromisos de permanencia. Incluye:
Duración: Período mínimo de 3 meses
¿A quién va dirigido?
Este plan es el idóneo para aquellas personas que quieran realizar un programa intensivo de nutrición, puesto que:
¿Qué incluye el programa?
Duración: Bonos de 6 sesiones
¿A quién va dirigido?
Este plan es el idóneo para aquellas personas que quieran un bono de 6 sesiones para realizar un programa de estabilización de sus hábitos nutricionales, debido a que:
¿Qué incluye el bono?
Sin compromiso de permanencia
¿A quién va dirigido?
Este plan es el idóneo para aquellas personas que quieran realizar un seguimiento de sus hábitos nutricionales sin cuotas de seguimiento ni compromisos de permanencia. Incluye:
Duration: Minimum 3 months
Who is it intended for?
To all Neolife clients who want to take our Age Management Medicine Program in an optimal way and who, in addition:
What does the program include?
Duration: Minimum 3 months
Who is it intended for?
To all Neolife clients who want to take our Age Management Medicine Program in an optimal way and who, in addition:
What does the program include?
Duration: Minimum 3 months
Who is it intended for?
This plan is ideal for those people who want to follow their Age Management Medicine program correctly and who have the following profile:
What does the program include?
No commitment of permanence
Who is it intended for?
This plan is ideal for those who want to monitor their Age Management Medicine program with no follow-up fees or commitment to permanence. Includes: