In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 on December 13th of Personal Data Protection, we inform you that the personal data provided will be included in a file owned by NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., duly registered in the Data Protection Spanish Agency and that has the purpose of managing the contact data through the establishment of an e-mail system.
The user may access the website information without the need of providing any personal data. Nevertheless, in the case that the user submits any inquire by e-mail, the personal information facilitated by you in this email will be incorporated and processed in a file received by NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L., based in Madrid at Calle Velázquez no. 94, who is responsible for it and whose aim is to provide the information you require and deliver it either by post or through electronic channels (e-mail).
NEOLIFE MEDICAL GROUP, S.L. has adopted the necessary technical and organisational measures that guarantee the security of the data and avoid their alteration, loss, processing or non-authorised access, taking into account the status of technology, nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, if they originate from human action or physical or natural environment. Technical and organisational measures are adopted that aim to fulfil the basic objectives related to security, such as confidentiality, understood in terms of limitation of access to information by non-authorised persons; integrity, understood as the maintenance of reliable and high-quality information; and availability, understood as guaranteeing access to the information system by an authorised user request.