Our body ages whenever our cells are divided. Telomeres play a key role in the protection of its well-being.
Telomeric shortening is one of the fundamental mechanisms of aging. Telomeres are the ends of the chromosomes. A common analogy is to imagine they are like the plastic covers on the ends of shoelaces, which prevent them from unravelling. Telomeres are made of tandem repeats of a sequence of DNA and associated proteins.
The cellular problem occurs when the shortening of the telomeres is such that during the replicating process they cannot preserve the DNA of the chromosomes, producing genetic material inconsistency.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that this mentioned inconsistency is the cause, amongst others, of ageing and the emergence of age-related diseases appearance, such as cardiovascular pathologies, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes and infertility, as well as some cancer types of cancer and infectious diseases.
However, there is telomerase in the body, an enzyme that allows telomeres to regenerate, and therefore, maintain cell replicating capacity. The latest studies point towards the possibility of telomerase activation in the body producing telomere elongation and, as a consequence, slow down or reverse the ageing process.
The two key ages in human beings are chronological and biological age:
Is the one which appears on our ID card.
Is the one which tells us the real age of the cells and organs in our body and becomes critical in terms of longevity.
Depends on:
With age, the telomere length shortens, which increases the risk of disease. The goal of Age Management Medicine is to optimize the health of each individual by slowing telomeric shortening.
Cellular age measures changes in the cellular structures of the body (impact on the organs), sensory perception and motor skills.
It is now a reality to measure telomeres. Neolife offers its clients the latest technology in biological age measurement at a cellular level – Telomeric Analysis Technology®.
The differential value is found in its solid scientific and medical base: clinical trials, scientific literature and a cutting-edge technique in equipment and data analysis.
Telomeric Analysis Technology® is owned by Life Length, a company founded based on the technology developed by Dr. María Blasco, Managing Director of the prestigious Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas in Spain.
The measurement of cellular age and telomeres is the leading test in the world and is the only technology in the world able to accurately measure the percentage of critically short telomeres, individually cell by cell, in order to accurately calculate the body’s biological.
Telomere shortening is correlated with an increase in age related diseases,and it is demonstrated to be associated with a future mortality increase.
Telomere measurement is one of the common indicators that we incorporate in the numerous tests performed in Neolife checkups. The initial knowledge of the patient’s telomere length is very useful, as it allows us to evaluate the beneficial impact of the actions carried out during the Follow-up Program, by means of recurrent measurements within the Longitudinal Biomarker Monitoring pillar.