I’m forty-seven, and for a long time – years even – I had been living with such despondency that I had come to believe it was part of the infamous midlife crisis we men can suffer from. I thought that I’d never be free from that sadness and that I’d just have to get used to it because it was never going to go away. I also felt very tired and at the end of the day I would be completely drained. Neolife came into my life like a moment of divine intervention. After undergoing extensive analyses and tests I began taking the recommended supplements, changed my diet and started taking testosterone shots every 15 days. Thank goodness for testosterone! Since following the guidelines offered to me at the clinic, my life has changed dramatically. I’ve regained a joy for life I thought I’d lost forever and I now face life with optimism. I’ve said goodbye to so many fears and I’m now able to face new challenges with renewed energy”.